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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  February 22, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm CST

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breaking news. tonight an uber driver is charged with murder, and prosecutors say he admitted he's the gunman who went on a vicious rampage killing people in between picking up frightened passengers. breaking news in the race for president. a major shake-up in the ted cruz campaign. a top aide fired. tonight is donald trump unstoppable? cosby's wife forced to testify as her husband's accusers take him to court. what did she know? cancer risk. from floors in so many homes across the country. the cdc says the toxic danger is worse than was first reported. and 106 years old with moves better than most teens.
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the woman so excited at the white house she broke out her dance moves with the president. "nightly news" begins right now." >> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this the "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening. uber says tonight there were no red flags, no warnings about the michigan driver who was afternoon with the murders of six people while he was on the area on saturday night. a father and a son are among the dead. two other people were wounded in the bizarre and apparently random shooting spree that according to the prosecutor james dalton has admitted to, but there is still no answer as to why. nbc's blake mccoy was at today owes arraignment and has details. >> reporter: accused kalamazoo shooter jason dalton appearing in court via clickit tv this afternoon. >> i would prefer just to remain silent. >> reporter: 45-year-old father of
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with 16 felonies, including six counts of murder. >> there is videotapes of these incidences. he walked up on these people and he shot >> reporter: a motive for the seemingly random killings remains unclear, but detectives say dalton has admitted to being eight people shot in three separate locations over nearly five hours. it began at an apartment complex around 6:00 p.m. saturday where tiana carruthers, a mother of two was shot multiple times and dalton as the shooter and is expected to survive. rich smith and his 18-year-old son tyler were killed at a car dealership about four hours later. rich's wife lori posting on facebook today saying my heart is shattered, literally and utterly crushed into tiny pieces. and in a nearby parking lot four women killed, including 67-year-old mary lou nye. >> i don't know how i'm going to explain to to me son who
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grandmother again. >> reporter: final victim, a 14-year-old girl, remains in critical condition. initially pronounced dead doctors when preparing for organ donation when she suddenly squeezed her mother's han. her parents are asking for privacy saying our daughter's prognosis is uncertain as she continues to fight for her life. dalton with no criminal record had had a high uber rating before saturday. >> we're working to support the law enforcement investigation. we provided them with gps logs. >> reporter: several passengers have come forward with receipts showing dalton gave them rides even after the shooting began. one man says he took an uber with his family because he heard about the shootings and thought it would be safer than walking. >> i kind of jokingly said to the driver, you're not the shooter, are you? he shook his head and said no. >> reporter: for an entire community the randomness of the attacks is still difficult to comprehend comprehend. uber confirms dalton did pass a background check, and the company says it has no plans to change its procedures in the wake of these shootings. also tonight, we are
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accused shooter's family for the first time. they say they are deeply sorry and will fully cooperate to happened. lester? >> blake mccoy in michigan tonight, thank you. now to that breaking news in the race for president. a shake-up in the ted cruz xarn. one of his top aides fired after spreading misinformation about marco rubio, but as those campaigns squabble, donald trump is surging, locking up delegates and time is rapidly running out for his opponents to stop him. all of it as hillary clinton regains steam and bernie sanders faces an increasingly we have all of it for you starting with nbc's hallie jackson covering the gop in vegas. hallie? lester. were it anybody else besides donald trump, he'd be considered a near lock for the nomination. many in the establishment still seeming stunned. this now looks like trump's race to lose, but marco rubio and ted cruz hope to stop him with cruz tonight
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new campaign drama. a startling shake-up for ted cruz, firing his top aide for tweeting this inaccurate video, wrongly suggesting marco rubio dismissed the bible. >> i had made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with a very highest standards of integrity. if other candidates choose to go into the gutter, we will not do the same. >> reporter: cruz hoping to move past attacks from competitors that he's up to, quote, dirty tricks in donald trump's words, the front-runner wasting no time pouncing as he begins to take on an >> isn't that right. >> reporter: the heavy favorite to win in nevada tomorrow, fresh off his victory in >> the establishment of the republican party is waking up to the fact that within a couple of weeks donald trump could be unstoppable, fully in control in the republican nominee. >> reporter: for the establishment, the alarm now going off, and it's rubio set to benefit. today alone picking up support from gop leaders like bob dole, orrin hatch and tim pawlenty. >> as the field
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the numbers are going to get a lot more competitive, and that's going to open the door i think for at least one other candidate to successfully challenge donald trump. >> reporter: but history is on trump's side no. modern republican has ever won new hampshire and south carolina and then lost the nomination. some now starting to accept reality. >> got the momentum, i think there's more than a 50% chance that he's the nominee and that's what's setting in for a lot of sneem. >> reporter: do you think you could work with donald trump? >> i could work with him. >> any conversation of stopping donald trump, he's leading 10 out of who would stop him. >> reporter: cruz has to take texas and do well in other states to topple trump. rubio needs a win somewhere, looking for in florida, but even that may not be enough. time running out for his rivals to take trump down. hallie jackson, nbc news, las vegas. i'm kasie hunt covering the democrats in massachusetts where bernie sanders is struggling to keep the bern from flaming out
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to hillary clinton in nevada. >> let me tell you something. there's a short three letter answer to a path to victory, y-e-s. >> reporter: but for sanders the path gets tougher from here. he's spending money faster than clinton and struggled to catch on with african-american voters, interrupting sunday dinner at brooklyn baptist church. >> are we behind today in the african-american vote, the answer is yes, we are, but i would also tell you that we are making progsflees to win the nomination you need 2,383 delegates. today clinton has 52 delegates to sanders' 51. black voters will be witt call on super tuesday when nearly 20% of delegates to the democratic national convention are up for grabs. there are 571 delegates at stake across the south where clinton is strong. far more than the 288 delegates in states that sanders campaign believes he can win and then are the so-called super delegates, party leaders and elected officials. right now
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clinton, putting her far ahead in the overall delegate count. >> to keep pace with hillary clinton bernie sanders wouldn't have to just win the primaries, he'd have to dominate her in a lot of them. >> reporter: clinton campaign keeping up the pressure, criticizing sanders' record on guns and releasing a new video focused on the flint water crisis. >> immediate instinct is what can i do to make it bet sneer not taking any risks after getting bernded earlier in the race. sanders rallying some of his most fervent supporters at the university of massachusetts amherst but there's a looming problem even there. many of mows college kids are going to be heading out on spring break just as march voting gets started. lester. >> thank you. there's high drama tonight in springfield, massachusetts where bills couldly's wife camille was forced to testify in a lawsuit brought by some of her husband's accusers. someone of several lawsuits he's facing in addition to a criminal charge in pennsylvania. in this case, one of
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what did camille cosby know? nbc's stephanie gosk has late dethales. >> reporter: despite battling the deposition from the beginning, camille cosby testified today for hours. >> she's involved in various aspect of his life, and so we -- we think she's got important information. >> reporter: cosby's 71-year-old wife who also worked for years as his business manager was deposed in a defamation lawsuit brought by seven women who accuse the comedian of sexual assault. a judge ruled that camille cosby could be deposed in this case because her work is not protected by law in the same way private conversations between spouses are. in a motion the plaintiff's attorney argued in part there is likely no single person who has more knowledge of mr. cosby's sexual proclivities than mrs. cosby. in a 1995 magazine article she said my husband and i function as partners, not only in marriage but in terms of business. it should be that way.
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for more than 50 years as his wife, camille cosby has made a point of staying out of the spotlight. this is a rare joint interview from over a year ago which to mounting misconduct. >> there's no response. >> reporter: in a statement a month later camille questioned the truthfulness of her husband's accusers. none of us will ever position of attacking a victim but the question should be asked who is the victim. >> reporter: beverly gooden is a prominent victim's advocate. >> for her to come out and speak out against these victims to blame everyone but him for what's going on was shocking, disheartening and very concerning. >> reporter: his lawyers deny all of the allegations, but they were unable to keep his wife out of the fight. stephanie gosk, nbc news, springfield, massachusetts. the legal face-off between the ceo of apple and the director of the fbi is being judged in the court of a public opinion over
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demanding apple help the fbi unlock an iphone used by one of the san bernardino attack attackers. as nbc's pete williams tills, a new poll out tonight shows the public is on the fbi's side. >> reporter: two generals are now engaging each other directly, and the impassioned battle over security versus privacy raging in cyberspace n.a new blog posting, the fbi's james comey says agents could not lock san bernardino shooting survivors in the eyes or themselves in the mirror if they didn't try everything possible to find out what was on an iphone left behind by one of farook. we don't want to break anyone's incryption or set a master key on the land, he says. a new poll out tonight says 52% say apple should help the fbi unlock that phone. 38% side with apple. a former homeland security official says now that apple admits it could open the phone, the company's image as defender of privacy no longer depends on who wins
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>> i don't think that the chinese government or the russian government is waiting around to see whether the fbi wins this case to decide what their going to make apple do. >> reporter: but in an e-mail today to employees, apple's ceo tim cook says if the company is forced to create new software to help the fbi this time, it would be the equivalent of a master key that could open millions of phones. the only way to guarantee that such a powerful tool isn't abused he says and doesn't fall into the wrong hands is never to create it. washington lawyer ted olsen representing the company says the government has never demanded this much of apple. >> it's been asked not just to open a door but to create a door, create a lock and then create a new key for the lock, and once it does that, your iphone is not safe anywhere. >> reporter: the next move comes later this week when apple court. then it's up to the judge. pete williams, nbc news, washington. the supreme court today as the justices returned to the bench for the first time
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justice antonin scalia. chief justice john roberts began the session with a tribute noting the black drapery or scalia's chair right next to his and calling scalia our man for all seasons saying we will miss him beyond measure. much of the deep south is on alert f potentially powerful storms threatening 20 million people across five states for possible tornadoes, high winds and hail. the severe weather is predicted to hit tomorrow afternoon in louisiana and will spread all the way to georgia and north florida with the threat lasting well into the evening. claimed responsibility for a series of horrific deadly attacks in syria, the u.s. and russia have agreed to another crease fire deal for that country, but like the first truce that failed to take hold the new deal would not prevent the type of violence inflicted by isis yesterday. nbc's keir simmons explains. >> reporter: a little boy, his face covered
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away from an isis suicide attack in syria's capital. almost simultaneously burning vehicles, twisted metal, isis targeting the city of homs. at least 129 killed in the double bombing on sunday. isis is one of several jihadist groups not included in a new syrian cease-fire announced by the u.s. and russia, sealed with a phone call between president obama and vladimir putin late today. it's the second truce brokered this month. the original deal was all but ignored last week, but it did allow for five towns under siege to receive desperately needed aid. children scramling to chickpeas after spilling of a food truck. progress. >> reporter: it's a >> it is. >> reporter: and a new u.n. report is less
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crimes against humanity. war crimes are rampant on many sides, the report says. tonight the u.n. warning syria is on the brink of collapse. keir simmons, nbc news, london. still ahead tonight, a new warning about certain flooring sold by a popular retailer. the cdc now claiming the potential risk cancer from it is considerably higher than it first believed. also, the video lifting spirits across the country. a 106-year-old woman so moved by a d woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i'm prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan.
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the centers for disease control warned today that people who flooring in their liquidators are potentially at a greater risk of cancer than previous thought. the cdc says it based an earlier estimate on incorrect data, and so the danger could be throw times higher than first thought. here's nbc's tom costello with a consumer alert. >> reporter: the cdc admits it simply miscalculated. it now says the potential cancer risk for people exposed to certain types of laminate flooring from lumber liquidators is not 2-9 cases per 100,000 people as it first said but instead it's three times that. >> never really a good feeling to find out that your kids are on a floor that could be potentially making them sick. >> reporter: we first met haley and matt last year just after they spent $2,500 installing new
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since ripped it out and settled with lumber liquidators. after chinese-made laminate flooring was shown to contain potentially dangerous formaldehyde. anywhere in your home. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands of family install the flooring but only a small fraction is believed to pose a risk. >> shares of lumber liquidators dropping in early droipg. >> reporter: stocks has dropped from 105 to under 12 and stopped selling laminate flooring from china afghanistan free test kids. today lumber liquidators has significantly strengthened our quality assurance procedures from compliance protocols to propgt testing. the cdc is see how it tested for exposure and will submit another report and urging farmsly who have the flooring to reduce exposure by adding air conditioners, humid fires and increasing ventilation.
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news. back in a minute if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit
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hijinks in space, and the question tonight is why is there a gorilla on the international space station? the answer, because brothers will be brothers. it's a gag gift from one twin to another. retired astronaut mark kelley sent the suit up to his brother scott californiay who is about to complete a year in space in just over a week, but before he returns to earth he's now using the suit to chase other astronauts around the iss all in good fun. just a fraction of a second made the difference in the daytona 500, the closest finish in the race's history. denny hamlin won by a nose yesterday in his first victory at daytona, but it's been a long time coming. hamlin's mother shared this essay he wrote in elementary school in which he says winning daytona was his fondest wish. and a milestone today for america's top dog. the labrador retriever claiming that crown
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row, according to the american kennel club rankings, followed by german shepherds, golden retrievers, bulldogs and beagles. french bulldogs, yorkshire terriers, poodles, rottweilers and boxers wound out the top ten. that's a great picture. when we come back, the 106-year-old woman who is now famous for your body was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened.
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before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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jay knows how to keep his wheels spinning. nice shorts, dad... they don't make 'em in adult sizes? this is what the pros wear. look at the lines... -uhhh... look at the other line... -mm-mhh.. that's why he starts his day with those two scoops in deliciously heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins. by taking steps towards a healthy heart, jay knows he'll be ready for the turns ahead. hey, don't forget to put up your kickstand. (bike bell) (sighs) kellogg's raisin bran. and try tart and sweet kellogg's raisin bran with cranberries. this is joanne. her long day as a hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks.
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106-year-old woman from our nation's capital says she never thought she'd be this famous. now that millions have been delighted by the viral video of her visit to the white house. she sat down with our ron allen and explained that she was so happy thee just had to bust a move. >> how are you? >> i'm fine! >> oh, it's so nice to see you. >> reporter: it was a moment of pure joy. virginia mclaurin, 106 years young finally getting her chance to meet president obama. >> she's 106th. >> no, are you not. >> you are not 106. >> reporter: grandma virginia as she's affectionately known danced and giggled and celebrated every moment. why did you want to meet the president so much? >> after i found out it was a black president and i didn't
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ever happen, and i really wanted to meet him. >> reporter: when mclaurin was born in 1990 taft was the president, the american flag had 46 stars, a loaf of bread cost a nickel. she grew up a sharecropper's daughter in segregated south carolina and now lives on public assistance three miles but a very long way from the oval office. >> a black president. >> look at him! right there. >> a black wife. >> that's me. >> reporter: the moment went viral, 9 million views the first five hours. >> i asked where were the kids and they said they couldn't come. >> reporter: you asked for the kid, too. >> they said they couldn't couldn't come. they are at school. >> reporter: mclaurin had written the president and even called, an invitation finally arrived to an african-american history reception where grandma virginia and the observe mazz made some history of their open. >> what's the secret to skill dance at 106 in the. >> reporter: ron allen, nbc news, the white house.
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night. i'm lester holt. for all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night.a tax break iowa farmers and small business owners are counting on could end up being a huge expense. find out why iowa leaders say the government needs the money more. a deadly police-involved linked to a murder in the suspect was so quick to open fire. she doesn't let anyone in, she keepme safe, this is what i
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the dogs sound intimidating... but would they really keep a burglar out?... see what happened when police put these pooches to the test. teachers... farmers.. and small businesses... they're all facing an unexpected tax increase this year. good evening. i'm erin kiernan. and i'm dan winters. its usually a non-issue at the statehouse... matching state tax offered at the federal level. this year... some iowa leaders worry there isn't room in the budget for the 95-million dollars in tax breaks... political director dave price has the story. upmeyer...1730we wanted to take the opportunity to actually have you hear from people that are


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